Plantations can help provide key ecosystem services and preserve the world’s remaining forests, but they cannot replace natural ecosystems. With proper management, they create opportunities for future community livelihood development and positively contribute by creating new employment opportunities while helping reduce pressure on natural forests.
The Project Malaysia Menanam is a result of the efforts of Gain Green subsidiary – Green Economy Sdn Bhd, whose aim is to reduce differences in the distribution of the economic resources between cities and villages and be a catalyst for change in the socio-economic status of rural areas.
The ultimate aim and the main idea of this project are to inspire and stimulate the rural community to switch to a sustainable and high-tech agro-green agriculture economy and advance wasteland, which will result in changing rural areas’ social status and allow urban communities to take part in the cultivation process.
The great positive aspect of Project Malaysia Menanam is that it will help develop idle and deserted lands by promoting a green economy and providing an additional income source for rural and urban communities.
Through the planting of Revotropix Paulownia trees, it plans to create more greenery in the country
Gain Green, in collaboration with Bioeconomy Corp, is launching the BCDP Revotropix Paulownia Farming Project. Firstly, the BCDP project aims to create job opportunities for people living in rural communities, resulting in additional income for the people. Secondly, the BCDP project also strives to develop farmers into fully qualified and experienced Bio-Agropreneurs and enhance social mobility. Lastly, it maximizes idle lands usage through the application of biotechnology.
THE first BCDP Revotropix Paulownia Farming Project (approximately 1000 acres) was started successfully in the year 2019 in Rompin, Negeri Sembilan, with 164 participants represented by the Committee Members of Tanaman Semula Berkelompok (TSB).
This programme for schools is a great way to increase children’s interest in their environment.
Gain Green and Bioeconomy Corp launched the project to bring together corporate organizations and schools to plant various trees in Malaysia’s different locations. It raises the awareness to these young individuals on the many benefits of planting trees, such as its role in providing food, energy and income. Moreover, tree planting also supports our national agenda in staving off climate change effects and other environmental issues compounded in recent years.
Tree planting helps the young to appreciate and preserve our natural resources
Kuen Cheng High School students planting and labelling the herb plants
Gardening and herbs have a therapeutical and healing impact on our emotions, mind and soul. The program was also lucky to have Stella Kiang of Herbal Oasis lead the project and give the students guidance for the tree planting program.
Gain Green encourages planting. Touch with the soil can make people happier as it absorbs all the bad energy and releases good energy. This program discussed the essence of what herbs are by introducing a few species of herb plants and each of their functions. The difference between herbal tea and conventional tea also been introduced.
Around 10 species of local herbs were introduced and planted in the school garden. Students learned about teamwork, following tasks based on instructions, handled the plants gently, and enjoyed the planting process altogether. All students and teachers were smiling and laughing while working together to create their school’s herbs garden.