Gain Green is planning to launch a CARBON umbrella project through its plantation forests, which will become one of the REDD+ projects.


Gain Green collaborates with a climate change mitigation and advisory consultancy firm on a carbon credit project to determine the carbon sequestration’s quantity and extent through its plantation forests. This project will need to make significant contributions to meet the objective of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, whose ultimate aim is to stabilize and lower greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere to the level that would prevent dangerous human-induced interference with the climate system.


The initiative will be merged with blockchain technology to improve and advance new processes and opportunities in a value-driven global economy.



Revotropix Paulownia is one of the multi-purpose tree and is popular around the global market for its timber and its potential role in carbon dioxide sequestration.

Improves soil organic carbon and AGTB carbon sequestration

Minimizes the chances of soil erosion

Decreases nitrate leaching into ground water and surface water

Recycles animal wastes back into the farm

Helps in
nitrogen fixation

The primary aim of the low carbon economy is to reduce carbon emissions. For decades, the increasing human population have been over-contaminating our Planet with potent greenhouse gas, and this trend must stop. A Revotropix Paulownia plantation offers a double solution in this quest because it represents a clean source of energy (biomass) itself. It also captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere even 10 times more than a normal tree.

Revotropix Paulownia, as the fastest growing tree in the world, having rapid regeneration ability, is an excellent candidate for Carbon Credit Trading. The leaves of Revotropix Paulownia are enormous, able to absorb a lot of carbon dioxide during its growth cycle with significant carbon sinking characteristics, which provides carbon sequestration, extraordinary contributions to the environment.

The only way to store the CO2 captured by a Revotropix Paulownia is to harvest it at the right age and convert it into products like furniture, musical instruments, flooring, doors, and buildings. Timber is supposed to be used intelligently, firstly transformed into products, and when the product comes to the end of its life-cycle, use it as energy.


Carbon Sequestration

Carbon sequestration is the process, which captures and removes carbon dioxide to prevent it from entering the Earth’s atmosphere. The idea is to slow and reverse carbon dioxide so that it doesn’t cause global warming. Carbon sequestration is incredibly promising for reducing the human “carbon footprint.” Creating new plantation forests represent one of the great methods for the biological carbon sequestration.


Biological Carbon Found in Soil

Carbon is the pillar of life on Earth. Plants sequester carbon in soil through photosynthesis, where it can be stored as soil organic carbon (SOC). The SOC levels can be depleted and degraded by agroecosystems, but this carbon shortage gives an opportunity to store carbon using new land management practices. Soil can also store carbon as carbonates. Such sorts of carbonates are formed over thousands of years – carbon dioxide dissolves in water and infiltrates the soil, after it combines with magnesium and calcium minerals, and turns “caliche” into desert and arid soil.


Carbonates store carbon for more than 70,000 years, while organic soil typically stores carbon for several decades. To store carbon for longer periods, scientists add superbly crushed silicates to the soil, and try different methods to make the carbonate forming process faster.


Biological Carbon Found in Forests

Plant-rich landscapes, such as forests, rangelands, grasslands, absorb about 25% of global carbon emissions. When wood, plants, leaves and branches die, the store carbon is transferred into the soil or releases into the atmosphere. This is called the carbon cycle, and such human activities like deforestation can lead to the diminishment of forests as a carbon sink and result in global warming


REDD+ is a United Nations-backed framework that strives to control over the climate change by stopping deforestation. REDD promotes “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation”; the “+” symbolizes the role of preservation, forests sustainable management and forest carbon stocks enhancement.

International Agreements

  1. The primary aim of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is to stabilize and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in the atmosphere to a level that prevents dangerous human-induced interference with the climate system.
  2. The Kyoto Protocol (KP) agreement was derived from the UNFCCC, and its objective is to create commitments for all developed countries to decrease their GHG emissions by at least 5% by the year 2010 compared to the level of emissions in the 1990s.


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